Build branded, personalized emails in record time
Email Marketing
Drag & drop email design
Easily create branded, mobile-responsive emails with pre-built templates, flexible drag & drop, or HTML design options.
Custom templates
Spend less time building emails when you create branded templates and swap out reusable content blocks.
Dynamic personalization
No-nonsense personalization (say goodbye to {{% Name %}} ) plus dynamic email content, subject lines, and sender address.
Powerful preview
Before you hit send, see how your email renders in the inboxes of over 30 different email providers.
Customer Success Resources
Problem-solve with software experts
Reach real, live humans by phone, chat, or email whenever you need assistance with our software.
We’re on your team. Let us do the extra work.
Don’t spread yourself thin, lean on the Delivra team: we design templates, build automations, and offer strategy sessions with a customer success expert.